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Book cover with an illustration of a group of kids from different ethnicities, looking confused or disgusted towards a fly that sits on something brown in the foreground.

Little Liars Club

Standaard Uitgeverij

Country: Belgium

Original title: Little Liars Club

Original language: Dutch


Age group: 8 - 12

Categories: Fiction, illustration

Inclusive towards: Gender, race, cultural background


Author: Jonas Boets

Illustrator: Eric Bouwens


Number of pages: 112

Format (in mm): 14,5 x 22


Info on rights holder: Standaard Uitgeverij

Rights sold: all rights available


Little Liars Club is the club that helps children when they get into trouble because of a lie. Did you lie that you ate your chicory, but is it actually hidden in your sleeve? Or did you brag to your friends that you have an elephant at home? Little Liars Club will help you and provides that elephant! The club was founded by Madame Lily, who believes that lies are also very good stories. There are different clubs throughout the country, which are usually located

behind or underneath a library. You can only get in through a secret entrance. And only if you are a member ...

Little Liars Club can be found everywhere: on this site, on YouTube, on Instagram, in books, ... Experience the story in your own way.

Info on the author:

Jonas Boets is a Flemish writer of children’s books and youth novels such as the series about Sam Smith and now Little Liars Club.



Info on the illustrator:

Eric Bouwens (1967) is an avid draftsman who has turned his passion into his profession. He fills his spare time with playing and listening to music and pampering his wife and children. He illustrates children’s books.

Book cover of the Little Liars Club franchise. A boy is looking scared in a room with creepy toys.
Book cover of the Little Liars Club franchise. A boy is running away from an angry girl. An older man, probably a teacher, looks confused towards his marker.
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